The Amsterdam Shopping Guide #3 Bags and Purses Museum

Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth

This is the crazy story about how I jumped on a boat and, from there, I discovered  a luxury bags boutique in Amsterdam. This is also the third part of my Amsterdam shopping reportage, you can find the first and the second one here and here.
You may think it’s a little bit strange to find an article about a museum in my blog, and this is actually true.
But the Tassenmuseum, the Museum of Bags and Purses in Amsterdam,  is dedicated to the History of Fashion in every form, and here you can also have some good fashion shopping too. But let’s start from the beginning.

Always listen to a local’s advice

Two years ago, during a very tourist-like boat tour around Amsterdam canals, the pilot suggested visiting this place telling me it would be very interesting for such a fashion oriented traveler as I was, but unfortunately I didn’t give credit to this good advice, in that moment.
In September I was back to Amsterdam and I decided to go and visit it.
I really have to say it was a great experience, and I wish I had gone before!

In fact not only this museum has great and very famous bags from various ages that are of great value, but it also shows the history of this accessory made in a very precise and punctual way, as a journey through the women’s elegance throughout  the centuries.
I found many detailed information and explanations about facts I didn’t even know about and so I learnt a lot.

Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
This clutch belonged to Imelda Marcos. I think it’s just gorgeous.

Why the Tassenmuseum can be fun for all

Visiting this museum is fun and fascinating at the same time, and while reading the stories about how the founders got to obtain the collectors bags, I had the desire to possess all the pieces exposed! The most emotional aspect of the visit is recognizing ages and styles of some pieces that some of us may have had in their wardrobe, or mothers and grandma’s wardrobes! Some of the purses reminded me about book or movie’s characters, so it’s a very interesting aspect the study about the history of costume.

Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
The cutest thing you can see at the Museum!

Yes, here is the shopping part

You may be wondering where the shopping is. You have two options here: luxury shopping or fun, affordable shopping.
The first one is about the luxury limited edition clutchs that are in exclusive in this museum. They are absolutely gorgeous. The second one is in the museum’s shop, where you can find a good selection of bags created by local brands – and you know that I love discovering new brands!

This is not a sponsored post, and is intended to be giving information and suggestions to my readers, as from my mission and the blog’s  philosophy; this is why I decided not to publish any pic from the shop’s bags, nor the brands.

Tell me about you:  Have you ever happened to change your mind about the indications you received from the locals, or the guides? Have you ever visited a museum with a gorgeous shop? They generally have large and gorgeous bookshops, but some like this one are one of a kind.

Amsterdam Bags & Purses Museum

Testo in italiano dopo le immagini

Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
Madonna’s bag at the Ebita premiere, they acquired it during a blizzard in NY
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
Girls, this used to be the 19th century galz iPhone, with addresses, fashon notes, gossip
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
Isn’t it absolutely cool?
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
I think everyone loves this staircase and its gorgeous ceiling!
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
I normally do not take pics in the museums’ toilets, but this bag was beyond beauty!
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
A heavenly place with a view on the canals for your high tea…
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
Just another glimpse over the lovely exposition
Amsterdam bags purses museum shopping StyleAvengerGoesNorth
Wouldn’t you like to spend some time in this livingroom? you can see me in the mirror tho

Questa è la terza puntata del reportage dedicato allo shopping ad Amsterdam, potete trovare la prima e la seconda qui  e qui.

Vi sembrerà strano che scriva di un museo, ma a parte il fatto che il Tassenmuseum, cioè il Museo delle Borse di Amsterdam,  è dedicato alla storia della moda, in tutte le sue forme, popolari e più aristocratiche e glamour, ma in questo luogo potrete anche fare un ottimo shopping di moda.
Ma partiamo dal principio.

Date ascolto ai consigli di un local

Due anni fa, durante un giro molto turistico sul battello fra i canali di Amsterdam,  mi suggerirono di visitare questo museo, ma non so perché non diedi ascolto al suggerimento. Stavolta invece ho deciso di provare ed è stata un’esperienza straordinaria.
Infatti, non soltanto si tratta di un museo contenente dei pezzi famosi e di grandissimo valore, ma è anche un percorso ricostruito in maniera estremamente curata e minuziosa che ripercorre la storia di un accessorio che ha sempre accompagnato le donne attraverso le società e i secoli.

L’ho trovato un affresco molto ben fatto di storia dell’accessorio, e devo dire che ho trovato molto da imparare che non sapessi già.

Il Tassenmuseum è interessante per tutti

La visita non è affatto noiosa, anche perché mentre mi documentavo credo di aver desiderato di possedere quasi tutti i pezzi in esposizione! Il fatto più emozionale della visita consiste nel riconoscere epoche e stili di pezzi che sicuramente ognuna di noi ha nell’armadio perché appartenute alle donne della nostra famiglia, oppure che ha visto fra la costumistica di un film, o di cui ha letto in qualche romanzo.

Sì, c’è anche lo shopping

Ma dov’è lo shopping? C’è, ed è di due tipi. Diciamo che sta a voi scegliere! La prima opportunità consiste nell’ammirare, e forse acquistare, una serie limitata di clutch gioiello decisamente luxury, che sono in vendita in esclusiva in questo museo. La seconda opzione, più accessibile, è il negozio, dove potrete scoprire una discreta selezione di modelli  prodotti da brand prevalentemente locali che probabilmente non conoscete, quindi credo sia molto interessante.

Come sempre, questo non è un post sponsorizzato e intende fornire informazioni e suggerimenti ai miei lettori secondo il mio mood e il mio stile; anche per questo motivo ho scelto di non inserire  immagini dei prodotti in vendita nello shop né di indicare i brand.

E voi? Avete mai trovato dei musei con un negozio davvero bello? Di solito hanno dei bookshop, ma alcuni come questo sono davvero particolari!
Avete mai dovuto ricredervi positivamente sulle indicazioni ricevute dai local o dalle guide durante un viaggio?

   Museo delle Borse di Amsterdam




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38 thoughts on “The Amsterdam Shopping Guide #3 Bags and Purses Museum

  1. non sono ancora stata ad Amsterdam ma quando ci andrò terrò a mente tutte le tue indicazioni!

  2. How cool! I typically don’t love museums, but this seems like the kind I could get behind! And that staircase photo is amazing!!

  3. Love your photos! This is such an interesting museum, I´d definitely have a peek in it when visiting Amsterdam one day! 🙂 Not only the purses, but also the interior of the building is very pretty <3

  4. Although I haven’t been to Amsterdam , our Airbnb host in London gave us some great advice for dining and WOW … we had some
    Of the best food on our travels there!

  5. I never would’ve thought there’d be a museum of purses. Amsterdam has all kinds of fun, hidden attractions like that.

  6. That looks like a dangerous museum! Haha! I’d have to leave my credit cards at home. The craftsmanship used on some of those bags is amazing.

  7. I really like the fact you blog in two languages! I’ve toyed with it but I just don’t think I have the time 🙁 Love the post – I’m going to send it to my sister!

  8. I have been to Amsterdam many times but never to this museum! I’ll definitely check it out next time I’m there. Perhaps not for shopping but it looks so beautifully laid out and the purses are gorgeous 🙂

  9. Ahh Ive been to Amsterdam so many times and heard about this place but never made it there yet myself. Definitely this year! It looks amazing love the cute basket!

  10. Such a cute museum. I never thought about it – but you are right: Everyday objects like purses are a great way to explore all our past.

    Happy travels (and shopping ;-))

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