Ilaria Magni intervista

Fashion and Art – A Talk with Ilaria Magni

I met Ilaria a couple of years ago during a press trip. Art isn’t part of my core business, as I tend to work in the leisure tourism business. But I love giving my readers some travel tips because I do think that visiting Tuscany must be an experience that involves beauty, fashion and culture. […]

I prossimi Trend della Moda Uomo visti al Pitti

I prossimi Trend della Moda Uomo visti al Pitti

  Finalmente il Pitti! Un appuntamento che mi era molto mancato, come del resto a tutti. Il Pitti non solo è una fiera importantissima, ma è anche un mega evento in cui migliaia di persone si incontrano, si conoscono, intrecciano rapporti. In questo senso mi è mancato ancora di più. Il Pitti del Nuovo Inizio […]

La Mostra “Turandot e l’Oriente Fantastico” a Prato

  “Turandot e l’Oriente Fantastico” è una mostra dedicata ai costumi originali della prima assoluta di questa opera di Puccini, avvenuta alla Scala di Milano nel 1926. Potete visitarla al Museo del tessuto di Prato, e si tratta di un evento decisamente interessante per gli amanti dell’opera, ma soprattutto per gli amanti della storia del […]


Marangoni Digital Fashion Show – Shaped by Florence

Last week I went to the press presentation of the digital fashion show of the students of Istituto Marangoni. For this video 10 among the best students of this year were chosen so that they could virtually show and display their collections. In this era where everything can be done in smart working, digital fashion […]

Fashion Trends F/W 2020/21: Ruffles

This is the first article about the fashion trends for the season. I decided that I wanted to select some of them and help you wearing them thoughout the upcoming fall and winter. We’ll start by talking about ruffles. We’ve seen this trend around for a very long time, but I do feel that this […]

claudia fashion journalist

Fashion, Food and Design – A Talk with Claudia Rumi

I met Claudia during a press trip and I immediately noticed her for her sense of style and fashion. I remember that we were in the Textile Museum in Prato, visiting the Marie Antoinette movie costumes exhibit, and talking about nowadays bags designers! Also, she’s a very nice person. So I decided that she would […]