My Favorite 5 Florentine Niche Fragrance Creators

Fragrances are something that I truly love. So, when I found out that that I hadn’t written anything on this subject on my blog so far, I found it unbelievable! You probably already know that I’m quite an expert about shopping in Florence. As a Personal Shopper  I must be able to find and recommend […]

3 Amazing Italian Watches Brands To Discover In Florence

Testo in italiano in basso I live and work in Florence and I’m very proud of my city, with its fashion traditions (Italian fashion was actually born in Florence as you probably know) and its artisans. Just a few people know that in Florence we also have some amazing watch brands. As a Personal Shopper  I […]

Shopping Fun in the 2 Department Stores In Florence

testo in italiano dopo le immagini From time to time we all visit some Department Stores in our hometown and in all the places we visit. Let’s admit it! Personally, I just love them because it’s a relaxing and practical way of doing our shopping. And it can be fun, too! To be honest, I […]

5 great tuscany outlets

5 Great Tuscany Outlets Selected by a Local

(Testo in italiano dopo le immagini) It’s not a secret that we all love outlet shopping. Outlet shopping nowadays is naturally part of any travel experience. As a Personal Shopper, I sometimes receive some requests about shopping tours to all the best outlets in Tuscany and so I decided to share some advice about the […]

Beauty Skin Care Shopping Florence

Do you know one of the best Beauty Shops in Florence?

L’Ó Profumo is a niche perfume shop in Florence that mainly is well known for the research in personal and home fragrances. As a Personal Shopper I am very glad whenever I can  give advice to my readers, and this is one of those times. But they also have a very good fragrances and skincare production […]

womens summer shoes espadrille

Summer Shoes: how to look great in Espadrilles

We all know and love Espadrilles, in both version, with high wedges or flat. Lately we’ve been seeing them come in the high version from  many luxury brands, conceived in a very glam style, so that they seem to be losing their traditional carefree holiday style allure. But as an Image Consultant I have to warn […]