Bologna shopping guide TheStyleAvenger

Bologna : a Winter Shopping Guide

I mostly write about shopping in the European capitals, but some weeks ago I had a nice stroll in Bologna with a friend and I also took some pics in some beautiful places. I am aware of the fact that Christmas is in the past, but I want to talk about these places anyway. Besides,  […]

Amsterdam Haarlemmerstraat shopping guide StyleAvengerGoesNorth

The Amsterdam Shopping Guide – #2 Haarlemmerstraat

This is the second part of my reportage about shopping in Amsterdam. You can find the first article here. Today we’ll speak about a shopping area that is very easy to find because it’s near the Central Station and is the zone around Harlemmerstraat – and I’ll especially write about this lovely street. This is […]

Amsterdam De Negen Straatjes Nine Streets shopping guide StyleAvengerGoesNorth

The Amsterdam shopping guide – #1 De Negen Straatjes

Amsterdam is a cool European capital I had visited for the first time a couple of years ago. During my first journey I noticed that most tourists do not understand its most intriguing aspects, and never get too far from Dam Square. This is a matter of fact and can’t change! But what most people […]

Bardot Style Tips Breton Stripes T-Shirt

Style Tips for the Breton Stripe T-shirt

  The Summer is soon about to start, but we already love wearing the seasonal item that has been one of the most iconic ones in the last years: the Navy Striped T-shirt – aka Breton T-shirt. We all know it to be the it-look from come great vintage Divas like Brigitte Bardot. In fact, this […]

The Bridge Florence

Shopping Around Florence With The Bridge

  Last month I took part to the amazing The Bridge project involving some city fashion insiders, telling about their fashion jobs and their views on lifestyle in Florence. I was honored to be part of this shooting and being able to tell about my opinions – most of all giving style advice. For the […]

tour eiffel paris shopping

My Work Trip to Paris #1 – and why it was magic

“Paris is always a good idea”, Audrey Hepburn said. I think she was perfectly right! I had the great opportunity, thanks to Vitasnella, to be the Personal Shopper in Paris for a weekend for a wondeful woman, Giada, who is a  brilliant tourism entrepreneuse. She was the winner of a contest and the prize was […]