A Beauty (and Food) Review: Profumi di Napoli

ENG I generally write about Tuscany and made in Tuscany products, but this time I will make an exception. I want to write about a brand coming from Campania. Profumi di Napoli is mainly about beauty products but with a touch of food in them. In fact, their creations are all made with the natural […]

Black Beauty: Smokey Eyes chez Estée Lauder

ENG During the Milano Fashion Week I went to La Rinascente to have some relaxing time (and some good sushi before leaving!), and to visit the part of the store that I like most: the ground floor, with the luxury beauty products brands. Here at the of Estée Lauder shop in shop I met Veruska, […]

Remise en Forme System by Maya Beauty: a Review

ENG I had the opportunity of trying a great system for a cosmetic  remise en forme project: it is composed by a  very special product, the Lipolytic Serum  and  the DTS Roller. Now I have finished my 10 days treatment and I can talk more deeply about it and also give you some advices based […]

Maya Beauty and the DTS Roller: beauty treatment at top-level

ENG I’m going to try a brand new product: the DTS Roller by Maya Beauty Engeneering, who, in association with Genosys, developed an exclusive system for the cure of beauty flaws, helpful in case of weight loss and cellulite. Thus, your best friend for your remise-en-forme! This product is composed by a set of ten […]

Valgrande, le fragranze della natura

  ITA Al White nella sezione Beauty ho incontrato una ditta che crea delle fragranze stupende: Valgrande. La Val Grande è la wilderness più vasta d’Europa collocata in  Piemonte, situata  tra il Lago Maggiore e Val d’Ossola. Qui la natura è selvaggia e rigogliosa. Hanno creato una linea di fragranze per la casa e per la persona molto elegante e raffinata,  con […]

Teatro Fragranze Uniche, da Firenze tante raffinate Home Fragrances

ITA Al White nella sezione Beauty sono stata ospite di Teatro Fragranze Uniche. È una ditta che già conoscevo, e mi ha fatto molto piacere incontrare dei volti noti, e soprattutto dei produttori fiorentini a Milano! Ho visitato  anche la sezione del White del Superstudio più, ma la sezione dedicata a Beauty e Accessori mi […]